APEEAEPS - Associação de Pais e Encarregados de Educação do Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Sor
Parents Association of Ponte de Sor School Cluster, Portugal
Website: www.facebook.com/APEEAEPS Adress: Escola Básica João Pedro de Andrade - Tapada do Telheiro - Ponte de Sor
Short Description:
The Parents Association of Ponte de Sor School Cluster has the fundamental mission to promote dialogue and cooperation between parents and the School Cluster, as well as to contribute to improve the relationship pupils-school and school-pupils.
In recent years the association has developed a partnership with the Municipality aiming at developing projects in the areas of curricular enrichment and family support services.
Team Members

Carla Rocha
English Teacher
Coordinator of the English Teachers Team at Kiitos
Expertise: English Teaching in Preschool Education

Ricardo Miguel
Music Teacher
Coordinator of Music Teachers' Team at Kiitos
Vera Rodrigues
Carla Martins
Marta Pires
Milita Bucho
Renata André
Team Members - Music Teachers
Alexandra Nunes
Ana Patrícia
Marco Morgado
Ricardo Godinho
Team Members - Physical Education Teachers
Paulo Lopes

Team Members - English Teachers
João Varela
Francisco Aragonês