Intellectual Outputs
O1 - Kiitos@21st Century Preschools - Handbook
Handbook for Teachers and educators with guidelines about the integrated pedagogical approach to promote 21st century skills and a second language learning in Childhood Education.
O2 - Materials and resources - Kiitos@21st Century Preschools for English teachers and pre-primary teachers
One of the main objectives is to create materials and resources, which foster the promotion of second language learning blended with 21stCS. These materials will be developed by the TAT and CDPT those resources will be available in digital and printed form.
O3 - Materials and resources for music work in preschool
Materials and resources for musical learning, will be developed by the TAT and CDPT in the context of joint staff training events, and workshops, promoted by the audiation institute, and the music teacher's team from APEEAEPS. they will develop lesson plans, musical notation, and develop other materials in a cross curricular activities. in the end of the project there will be a CD, recorded by the Audiation Institute with songs and chants, and different musical activities.
O4 - Case Study/ Action Research - Kiitos@21st Century Preschools
Research on the impact of the integrated approach studied and implemented in Kiitos@ 21st Century Preschools, in the acquisition and development of ELL (Early Language Learning) and 21st Century Skills in pre-primary education.