APPI - Associação Portuguesa de Professores de Inglês
The Portuguese English Language Teachers' Association
Website: www.appi.pt Phone:+351 21 716 6095 Adress: Rua Dr. Joaquim Manso, 1 A 1500-240 Lisboa
Short Description:
APPI’s activity is focused on improving English language teaching in Portugal. APPI’s mission is achieved through consistently appealing to members and teachers of English at large for a lifelong professional updating to be made possible both by APPI’s human and material resources.
Team Members

Sónia Ferreirinha
APPIforma’s Director, Teacher Trainer (Young Learners & Very Young Learners)

Consultant/Teacher Trainers/Coach

Sandie Mourão
Teacher educator, author and consultant specializing in early years language education and the use of picturebooks in ELT

Vanessa Esteves
Teacher trainer
Consultant on 21st Century Skills and Curriculum Development