Team Members
AEPS - Agrupamento de Escolas de Ponte de Sor
School Cluster of Ponte de Sor, Portugal
Website: www.aeps.pt Phone: +351 242 291 010 Address: Rua General Humberto Delgado 7400-259, Ponte de Sor
Short Description:
An innovative state school whose offer ranges from preschool to basic and secondary education, as well as vocational, professional and adult education.
Located in Ponte de Sor, an inland municipality in Northern Alentejo, the school cluster has 2000 pupils, 240 of which are attending a bilingual preschool.

Manuel Andrade
Director of School Cluster of Ponte de Sor
Expertise: School Management/ Philosophy Teacher
Preschool Teachers Team

Fernanda Vinagre

Emília Carreiras

Ana Maria Cruz
Vice Director of School Cluster
of Ponte de Sor
Expertise: Preschool Education

Pedro Lopes
English Teacher and Project Manager in School Cluster of Ponte de Sor
Expertise: English and German Teaching, Teacher training, Project Management, President of a non-profit organisation.

Cristina Cruz Bucho

Carla Abreu

Maria de Lurdes

Beatriz Laranjeira

Aurora Anselmo

Isabel Possante

Conceição Pires

Maria José Lopes

Filomena Vieira