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Município de Ponte de Sor

Ponte de Sor City Council 


Website:  Phone: +351 242 291 580 Adress: Campo da Restauração, 7400-223 Ponte de Sor


Short Description:

Ponte de Sor is a small municipality located 150 kilometres from Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, with a population of 16722.

Ponte de Sor City Council is a local authority who seeks to contribute to the development of an educational system, opened to the world, to innovation and challenges of a global society, which will endure in time, add value to this territory and raise the quality of life of its local residents. 

Team Members

Sérgia Bettencourt

Counsellor for Education

Expertise: Teacher and Master in Pedagogical Supervision


Susana Esculcas

Project Coordinator

Expertise: Educacional Sciences


Management Team

Adelaide Feitinha

Chief Financial Officer




José Costa

Senior Technician

Financial and Administration Support

Margarida Inácio

Coordinator Techcnician

Expertise: Administrative Support


© 2018 by Kiitos@21stcentury preschools.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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