Município de Ponte de Sor
Ponte de Sor City Council
Website: www.cm-pontedesor.pt Phone: +351 242 291 580 Adress: Campo da Restauração, 7400-223 Ponte de Sor
Short Description:
Ponte de Sor is a small municipality located 150 kilometres from Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, with a population of 16722.
Ponte de Sor City Council is a local authority who seeks to contribute to the development of an educational system, opened to the world, to innovation and challenges of a global society, which will endure in time, add value to this territory and raise the quality of life of its local residents.
Team Members

Sérgia Bettencourt
Counsellor for Education
Expertise: Teacher and Master in Pedagogical Supervision

Susana Esculcas
Project Coordinator
Expertise: Educacional Sciences
Management Team

Margarida Inácio
Coordinator Techcnician
Expertise: Administrative Support